Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Non Stitching update

Sorry that it has taken me awhile to post on here. I thought that my other blog was sending my posts to this journal, but I guess not. Anyway. Things here have been very hectic, not a whole lot of time for stitching. But that is okay. I do have some pictures of my son Justin and I to show off. It is from his field day. As you can see he is kind of shy right now in the picture. He is such a mess. But that is Justin for you. He had such a good time, and so did I.
Stitching, is kind of on hold sort of. BUt not for long. I keep sitting down at night and pulling it out, and never stitching. I guess that it is good that I am pulling it out, maybe some time I will get the energy to stitch. LOL. Other than that we are hanging in there, and staying busy


~ Sue ~ said...

Justin is adorable and trust me; he will grow out of his shyness! As far as your stitching, just keep pulling it out at night; one of these days you'll pick up the needle too and have at it. You'll be finished with one of your wonderful projects in no time at all and then we'll all be drooling over what gorgeous work you do!

Jennifer's life and goings on said...

Thanks Sue. I do keep pulling it out. Thank you, he is a mess when he wants to be. But now with him being on medication during the day, he is such a good kid, not that he wasn't in the first place.