Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Stitching update

Here is the long awaited picture of Bed and Breakfast. I really am glad, I finally got my stitching groove back. I am happy with the way it is turning out. I think it will be done for Christmas. Let's us hope and I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Other than that things here are going smoothly. School starts in two weeks, but I go back next week, so I am going to spend as much time as I can on stitching, so I can make a little bit of a bigger dent in it. It is so nice to be able to sit and stitch again.

Miranda my middle daughter is going to be starting dance lessons this school year. She can't wait. She is going to be taking Hip Hop. She is really excited about it. My mother is going to be paying for it, so she can't wait to start. I am pretty excited for her.

Well that is if for now, off to finish cleaning up the house and to get some more stitching done.

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